Uncover and sustain innate well-being.
Everything we need has already found us and is already inside us. To uncover and sustain innate well-being we start with an intention to release that which no longer serves. Working collaboratively as a team, we will take a journey to discover the most suitable methods to facilitate your innate ability to listen to your highest self so that you might live a life that feels centered, grounded, and less reactive. Of course, any kind of personal growth provides "side-effects" that may feel uncomfortable at first; but with practice, lasting and meaningful change is attainable and ultimately leads to more contented, purposeful and joyful experiences.
Bottom up practices for better presence of mind.
“Your body is a truth detector. Your mind can play tricks on you; but your body keeps the score.”
Barbara + Trees, Lovejoy Pond, Maine
Somatic and emotional awareness are essential for healing from the short and long term effects of alcohol and other substance use. It takes practice to develop body awareness and self-regulation. We start resourcing with empirically based cognitive-somatic and energy psychology techniques proven to give rise to a persistent experience of the self as aware and calm, even in the “storm.”
Energy Psychology is a blanket term for cognitive somatic approaches to therapy, with more than one hundred fifty published peer-reviewed research papers, on anxiety, trauma, depression, weight control, and other topics. Energy Psychology includes Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), EMDR, and Trigger Point Therapy (TPT) and other body based techniques that foster positive emotional states by applying techniques that use the body’s innate capacity for healing and wellness.
Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) has been developed in Scotland by Frank Corrigan, MD, FRCPsych. The DBR treatment sequence releases energetic shocks from traumatic experiences that the body has stored as physical holding, tension and pain. The sequence is also successful in dismantling triggers that lead to emotional and behavioral reactivity and very often, panic. I began training with Dr. Corrigan in 2018 and attended Advanced Intensive DBR Training with Alexander Technique Interweaves in Scotland with Dr. Corrigan and Martin Warner during 2024.
Dr. Corrigan is a co-editor of Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Toward an Embodied Self with Ulrich, Lanius and Paulsen. He is also a co-investigator in an August 2023 publication of the European Journal of Psychotraumatology: Deep Brain Reorienting: A Neuroscientifically Guided Treatment for PTSD
For more, go to www.deepbrainreorienting.com
"One of the best ways to alter dysfunctional patterns is to administer therapeutic doses of frequency specific energy in the form of vibration.” ~Richard Gerber, MD